Data shows the philanthropy landscape has changed.

There's new, widespread wealth.
Over the past 35 years, our economy has changed resulting in more wealthy people in the United States with more money. 73,000 Americans have assets of $30 million or more. And, $1 million Americans have assets of $5 million or more.

The donor landscape is changing dramatically.
The landscape for 21st Century giving is changing dramatically
led by new philanthropists, who have diverse interests and behaviors in giving. Today’s donors are coming with a myriad of fresh ideas about how and why they give.
Today's donors behave differently.
They care about impact. They like to collaborate, which has given rise to catalyzing community philanthropic giving. Our research project aims to capture the nuances of affinity-based giving in Boston and support our claim that philanthropy is changing...for the better.
in Boston
Age 21-37
Boston has highest concentration of millennials compared the top 25 US cities
of Boston Millennials are non-white or Hispanic
in grantmaking by The Boston Foundation in
10 years
The Boston landscape for 21st Century giving mirrors national trends.
will have a tremendous impact on our community, as researchers estimate that intergenerational wealth transfer in Boston could translate into as much as $359 billion in philanthropic donations alone by 2055.
To better understand who will be making this impact on our community and what they care about, we have created the Giving Boston Research Initiative. Giving Boston utilizes a propriety methodology which includes a framework, Linked Philanthropic Equity, to ground the research and provide a racial equity lens.
At the core is a survey which wil provide us with baseline data to examine our work through the lens of age cluster, gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. We will analyze the data and supplement the initiative with a series of 1:1 interviews, focus groups and input from national philanthropy experts. The results will provide us all with a look at the future giving landscape and allow affinity groups to understand their collective interests with greater clarity.
If you would like to learn more about Giving Boston or NEBiP, click on this link to get in touch with a member of our team, or email bcarter@nebip.org.


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